Thursday, May 31, 2012

Writers Block

What do you write when you have too much to say. How much do you disclose about a certain situation. If the only thing on your mind are issues that contain personal information about others. When your mind goes a million miles a minute but there's nothing you can disclose. I feel like I work for the FEDS but I guess that's what happens when you take on a position of power, whether it be team leader, middle management or CEO. Issues that are sensitive and best not shared, if I could think of anything else at this point in time I would. All I can say is .W.T.F., and Why did I get dragged in. Why when people say they are intelligent beings do they make irrevocable mistakes. Sorry, doesn't work on everything.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day One,
 First day of school, after umpteen years here we go. Class is cool so far, teacher is great, but this is definitly going to be fun as I get lost going around the corner and I avoid computers like the plague. But if my besties can do this so can I. Just got the text from my boss that our CORE is comming up soon, thats gonna be fun as hes still learning and the team could care less. Lets see how well I do with juggling a 50 hr work week, family life and 5 colledge courses. Stay tuned it promises to be a bumpy ride.